New Moon Eclipse April 2023: What do you need to know? Spirit Homework April 13, 2023

What do you need to know on our around the April 2023 new moon eclipse? Watch to find out!

This is not your typical pick-a-card reading. This video is only for you if you are ready to take your spiritual practice seriously and do the work of deepening your relationship with Spirit yourself.

In this video, you will receive messages and action steps because integration of the messages we receive from the Divine is just as important as the communication itself. Yes, you get homework, but I promise it is for a good reason!

It is very common for more than one message to resonate with a person, so you may want to watch the whole video.

00:00—Stream starts
05:26—Intro + How to make the best of this video + picking the cards
14:24—Message 1 + Spirit Homework (Coventina, Purification - feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list/how to execute your life purpose/career vision)
Alsoooo I did not hit Bobby with the pen I just threw it near them to get them to stop fighting 😅
26:46—Message 2 + Spirit Homework (Cordelia, Go Outside - feeling like you are doing everything possible to get a new job/promotion/etc. and nothing is working)
41:31—Message 3 + Spirit Homework (Aphrodite, Inner Goddess - exploring a part of you that you experience shame around and yet is also resonant and important to your life purpose)
54:46—Message 4 + Spirit Homework (Eireen, Inner Peace - impostor syndrome 😩)

Girl getting chased by wombat lol
It turns out I didn't do a life purpose pick-a-card reading, but you might be interested in this one instead

Want to go more in depth on any of the messages or homework discussed in this video? Book your 1:1 Spirit Session with me here, or check out the other free readings I’ve done!

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Thanks for watching! I’m Rochelle, I'm a psychic and spirit communication guide and the founder of Brown Bruha. I believe that a loving relationship with your allies in Spirit is your birthright and that everyone possesses the ability to communicate with the Divine. That is why I have dedicated my practice to not only channeling messages, but also to teaching you how to cultivate a safe and healthy relationship with your spirit allies for yourself.

DISCLAIMER: This video contains general guidance channeled for the collective, which means it is more likely that not that all all messages will resonate with you. The messages are based on how things stand right now; remember the choice is always ultimately yours. Free will can (and probably will) influence the ultimate outcome. Do not act/cease to act just because it appears that things will/will not go your way. Lastly, all content on this site, including this video, does not and is not intended to constitute legal, financial, medical, or other professional advice.


Lunar Eclipse May 2023: What do you need to know? Spirit Homework April 27, 2023


Full Moon April 2023 Messages ❤ Spirit Homework March 30, 2023