The Basics

Learn the essentials of psychic and spirit communication so you can navigate life with less worry and more clarity

The 2024 cohort is being hosted within Spiritfound 💜 your class tuition will also include 6 months of complimentary access to the community.

Is this you?

💔 you have tried to contact Spirit, your guides, or your deceased loved ones, but you have no idea if they can hear you or if you are imagining their responses

💔 you really want to get good at tarot, but only feel confident giving readings if you also have your favorite tarot meaning website open

💔 you spend hours on social media watching pick-a-card readings, wondering how they can be so accurate and wishing you could do that for yourself

💔 you yearn for a relationship with your ancestors, but are afraid to reach out because of fear of something bad happening to you


🌟 trusting your intuition about someone the first time and avoiding unnecessary drama

🌟 looking at a tarot spread and instantly knowing what messages the spirits are sending you through the cards

🌟 hearing from your deceased loved one and knowing for certain whether or not they are okay

🌟 sleeping like a baby at night because you are confident in the boundaries you have set with the spirit realms

The Basics is an 8-week, live, small-group online course designed to help you safely learn to communicate with your spirit allies so you can connect to the spirit world with confidence and trust in yourself and in the Divine.

What changed for me during this work was acknowledging that I have strong intuition and abilities that need to be dusted off, tools that need to be sharpened, and power that I needed to harness in order for me to be a better partner, artist, creative, teacher, leader, and activist.

At the end of the class, I felt so much more positive and creative energy in me, I felt so supported spiritually by Spirit and this class, and look forward to see what possibilities lie ahead.

Guen A.S.

[Before this class, I struggled with] trusting the messages I was receiving and the psychic phenomena I was experiencing. 

[During the class, I gained] more confidence in my divination abilities. I had given a few tarot readings before the course but I felt very encouraged and validated in my abilities during the course. It made me excited to give more readings in the future.

[Now, I’m] reading tarot with confidence and knowing how to set boundaries with spirits. I also learned that I have support from ancestors I never met. 


The Basics is for you if:

✅ You are serious about your spiritual wellbeing and consider connection with Spirit/Creator/the Divine/etc. to be much more than just a passing fad

✅ You consider yourself to be a beginner in psychic and spirit communication and are ready to learn and practice channeling in a safe-as-possible, supportive space

✅ You want a deeper understanding of what is and is not dangerous when it comes to spirit interaction based on years of actual experience and observation

✅ You are open to questioning teachings about the spirit realm (including those that serve white supremacist, patriarchal capitalism and not our personal and collective relationships with Spirit)

✅ You are ready to take control of your relationship with the spirit realm and want to interact out of love and curiosity instead of fear

This is not for you if:

🚫 You are looking for a course that will prepare you to become a professional psychic medium/tarot reader

🚫 You want a course that guarantees that you will open up your gifts and connect with your guides and ancestors (that is on you, the spirit world, and divine timing)

🚫 You don't believe that spirits exist or that psychic gifts are real

🚫 You are looking for a course to guide you on spellwork, manifestation, or hexes

🚫 You are okay with other people invading your energetic boundaries and don't want to change that

🚫 You have learned everything there is to know about the topics listed in the course framework below

I was seeing and feeling spirits and it was scaring me. I couldn't understand what I was seeing, let alone "close" myself and protect myself from them. I had no boundaries and it was making me literally sick. 

I learned to focus, to name and understand the spirits I was seeing, and to set boundaries so that I could sleep and sit in peace when I wasn't in the place to communicate or receive messages. I learned how to protect myself. Also, I got to learn this with a community of women, the other students, that understand the world and my political ideology.

Jollene Levid

[Since this class, I have been] connected to my ancestors and cultures in a way that I never thought I’d be able to! I’m liberated from the confines of Christianity which has taught me only a sliver of what faith and divine love is…this class with the specific people that were called to do it with me have imprinted themselves in my aura. I carry that love and bond with me everywhere IN FACT a few times when I couldn’t sleep, I suddenly imagined all our cohort sisters around me telling me it’s ok to sleep because they will put a protective charm over me. 🤣 I could go on and on but…there is a FRACTION of what I now have.

Tina Uyeno

The Basics Class will help you...

🤩 Safely communicate with your guides and deceased loved ones

🤩 Read tarot without memorizing every card in the deck

🤩 Establish and maintain strong energetic boundaries

🤩 Save money on readings because you don't need to pay other people to confirm what you already know is true​ you can...

🥰 Trust your judgment

🥰 Get unstuck in life

🥰 Stress less, smile more

🥰 Spend less time wondering what’s right and just do what you need to do 👊

The Basics Framework:

Spirit Communication

  • How to sense spirit communication with “the clairs”

  • How to communicate with spirits

  • How to discern between spirit communication/intuition and emotion

  • How to communicate with deceased loved ones

  • How to tap into other’s (alive people’s) energies

  • How to intuitively read tarot without memorizing or looking up meanings (Brown Bruha style)

Energetic Hygiene & Protection

  • How to shield and clear your energy

  • How to tell the spirit world what you’re okay and not okay with (and have your desires respected)

  • How to work with mineral, crystal, and plant allies to enhance your energetic hygiene practices

  • How to deal with unsolicited contact from spirits

Context & Integration

  • Discussion of of modern-day spirituality within patriarchy, capitalism, & white supremacy

  • Ethical considerations in spiritual practices

  • How to deal with spiritual activations

  • How to build a relationship with your ancestors and spirit guides, even if you have never met them

  • How to give yourself and your loved ones quality readings

  • How to deal with those times when it feels like the spirit world won’t talk to you

  • Your responsibilities with your gifts to yourself and your community

This experience helped me gain a better understanding of channeling messages from the Spirit realm and what that looks and feels like to me. It provided a safe space for me to challenge myself spiritually and honor my grief. It helped me release my fears and doubt of the unknown I was holding onto for years. I feel more confident in my spiritual practices today and the way I connect with my ancestors. I'm able to practice rituals that help ground me and channel messages more clearly without doubtful thoughts getting in the way of interpreting them. I'm reminded that I can still honor my relationships with loved ones who passed on.


Class Features:

⭐️ Interactive, live classes online so you can get hands-on experience in the comfort of your own home

⭐️ Pre-recorded lessons and materials to review before class to minimize Zoom time (and Zoom fatigue)

⭐️ Small-group instruction so that you can learn and practice in a safe-as-possible and supportive environment

⭐️ Weekly homework to help you hone your skills in and out of class

⭐️ Subtitles and live captions available for anyone who needs them


❣️6 months of access to Spiritfound, a private community to strengthen your spiritual practice with likeminded folks dreaming of collective liberation like you

❣️Unlimited support in a private Discord for the duration of the class with me and your fellow classmates to ask questions and share resources, successes, and challenges

❣️6 months of access to class recordings (with captions) and materials to watch if you miss a class or want to rewatch a class

❣️Tarot meaning journal template for you to start your personal tarot encyclopedia and liberate yourself from the tiny book that comes in the box

❣️One (1) individual 20-minute Zoom “office hours” style session with Rochelle to receive extra assistance on any of the topics discussed in class

My intention coming into the class was to create a better connection with my ancestors and be able to practice tarot properly. Throughout the class, I learned that it was better for me to allow my gifts to guide me, rather than trying to find a picture perfect way of practicing. I think I was trying to search for some outside resource to show me the way or teach me how to be "better" at tarot. As corny as it is to say, I came to the conclusion that this resource or power I was looking for wasn't in anything else but myself. This class gave me the confidence to look inward and accept that my power is a muscle that I have to keep exercising in order to become stronger.

From this class I have learned that I am the channel to the spiritual world, not my tarot cards or any divination tools. I have also learned how to tap into my own intuition and trust in myself more. I now know that the only person that determines if I'm practicing tarot or connecting with my ancestors correctly is myself. My intention in the beginning of this class was fulfilled, but it was fulfilled in ways I was not expecting. I found power and confidence within myself that felt almost non-existent before.

Roxanne A.


Six (6) monthly payments of $148


One (1) payment of $888

20% off sliding scale pricing is also available if you need it.
No questions asked.

Due only upon acceptance (applying is free).
More flexible payment plans may also be available through Affirm, Klarna, and PayPal.

Join the waitlist for 2025

💜 8 weeks of interactive, live classes online + curated lessons and materials

​💜 Small-group instruction

💜 Weekly practices to help you hone your skills in and out of class

💜 Subtitles and live transcripts available for anyone who needs them

💜 Bonus 6 months of access to Spiritfound

💜 Bonus support in a private Discord for the duration of the class

💜 Bonus 6 months of access to class recordings (with captions) and materials

💜 Bonus tarot meaning journal template

💜 Bonus 1:1 20-minute Zoom “office hours” style session with Rochelle

More kind words from alumni 🥰:

[Before the class, I] was struggling with spiritual boundaries and not knowing how to protect myself, especially with dreaming. Processing dream messages was making me constantly tired. Also wanting to connect with ancestors and spirituality in an authentic, organic, decolonized way.

[During the class,] I was so nervous!! But having a safe, loving space in class made my anxieties and fears fade away. The group is so supportive of each other, and Rochelle navigated our anxieties/fears so smoothly, authentically, and without judgement. That and the tools Rochelle offered helped me build confidence, set boundaries, and feel protected.

I've learned that we all have spiritual agency! I can set spiritual boundaries, and can consult with the spiritual realm safely when I need it. I sleep so much better now! I am not inundated with dream messages every night. And I no longer feel alone in my spiritual journey.

Lindsay T.

I was struggling with knowing if/how I was receiving communication from spirit and ancestors. I hadn't considered that was something that everyone had the ability to receive. At the time that I had signed up for the class I was just more curious about learning things that could help me with my development in my spirituality, but it ended up being CRUCIAL at this time in my life to learn to have a healthy relationship (including boundaries) with spiritual beings.

During the class I learned of all the subtle ways that energies can communicate with us, and how easily we can either ignore them or lean into the messages. I learned how relationships with the spirit world mirror the relationships we hold on the physical plane and how to navigate them in a healthy and ethical way! Practical Woo's in-class activities gave me the hands-on practice to build the confidence to channel and give messages to other people. I also gained a support system with other amazing humans that were also going through the trials and blessings of learning these gifts and navigating through life with a lens of spiritual mutualism.

After Practical Woo I can confidently identify spirit communication for myself and others and hold conversation in my practice. My tarot reading skills also increased exponentially, the intuitive readings that Ro taught us gave more depth to the messages given. I never thought it would be possible to be able to execute these abilities for myself but Ro guided us into stepping into our own innate abilities.

Naomi C.


  • Beginners are very welcome! There is no minimum “skill level” required for this course (as if that could even be quantified). All you need is to be interested in developing your psychic abilities (everyone has them) and your connection with the spirit world and to be ready to put in the work.

    Of course, you probably won’t want to apply if you have already learned all everything on the topics listed in the Framework 😉

  • If you are looking for a way to explore psychic and spirit communication passively, this is not the class for you.

    The Basics is for you, though, if you are the type of person that is willing to discuss, experiment, and approach these topics with open-hearted curiosity.

    You will be getting your hands into the metaphorical dirt in this class, because the best way to get good at psychic and spirit communication is to practice.

    It’s okay to be nervous when you are learning something new! Just know that you will be in a small group of folks who are at or around the same level as you, and you will all be learning, growing, messing up, having breakthroughs, crying, laughing, and sharing insights together. There is no pressure in this container to be perfect or be the best. All you have to do is show up and try.

  • That is totally understandable. I was scared to connect with spirits and to use my gifts when I first started. But don’t worry, I got you! We will take it slow, and I will teach you what you need to know to grow your gifts safely. We have multiple lessons on energetic hygiene and protection that you will be able to review whenever you want, and you’ll have support outside of class time in our private Discord.

  • No, this course is not designed to train you to become a professional psychic. However, you will get lots of practice channeling for your fellow classmates during our time together!

  • No, unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that. Only you and Divine timing can guarantee that. I will show you what you can do to use your abilities to connect, but I don't know if your ancestors, your guides, and/or other spirit entities have other plans.

    The same rules apply in the spirit world as in the material world: if someone doesn't want to talk to you, they don't have to.

    However, through this program, you will have multiple opportunities to practice connecting with Spirit for yourself and your classmates, and you will be equipped with the information you need to be able to communicate with them when the time comes!

  • No, each class builds upon the previous class.

  • If you are unable to make a class, you can catch up by reviewing a recording of the class afterwards in the class portal. You also have a one-time 20-minute 1:1 catch-up session with me if you ever need it, and will be able to ask for support in our Discord.

    However, students are strongly encouraged to attend all of the sessions to the extent possible, because a lot of your learning will occur during the in-class exercises.

  • Technically, you don't have to do anything. I won't grade you on your assignments or on your attendance, but how much you get out of this course depends on how much you put into it.

    Typically, you won’t have more than 1-2 hours of “homework” outside of class (usually some short video lessons and practice exercises), so if you have 4 extra hours a week (including class time), you should be good ☺️

  • Yes, there are payment plans available! If accepted, you will be given the opportunity to secure your spot either by paying in full or in 6 monthly payments. You may also be able to take advantage of pay later options through Affirm, Klarna, or PayPal.

  • I strive to do my absolute best to make sure you enjoy your time in The Basics, but due to the live nature of the class and the limited spots in the class, there are no refunds once you submit payment to save your spot.

[Before the class], I think I was overwhelmed. I feel like somewhere deep in my head I knew I could connect with spirit but just did not know where to start. I think I was also afraid that venturing into spiritual practice alone would open the door to unfriendly energy.

[During the class,] I think it was really helpful to hear other people's experiences with each exercise since we all did things so differently and see the world so differently. Ro is also a great teacher and able to help all of us work on our talents individually so I never felt behind.

[After the class], I recognize now that the "crazy" voice I heard was actually my intuition fighting against my anxiety and that my intuition is always right! I am getting better and better at "sensing" as opposed to logically dismantling ideas and I have noticed that my clairs are a little sharper (i.e. i will sometimes feel someone is about to contact me and they do)


The waitlist for 2025 is open

💜 8 weeks of interactive, live classes online + curated lessons and materials

​💜 Small-group instruction

💜 Weekly practices to help you hone your skills in and out of class

💜 Subtitles and live transcripts available for anyone who needs them

💜 Bonus 6 months of access to Spiritfound

💜 Bonus support in a private Discord for the duration of the class

💜 Bonus 6 months of access to class recordings (with captions) and materials

💜 Bonus tarot meaning journal template

💜 Bonus 1:1 20-minute Zoom “office hours” style session with Rochelle

Even more love for The Basics

I think the biggest thing I can say is that I [now] have so much more clarity on spiritual subjects - and more confidence on how to tap into things like energy shielding and using tarot. I was intimidated by tarot before and didn't connect with it. Now I understand it so much better and have been using it a lot more as I feel a strong pull to it. Things make a lot more sense now and I have terms to match those feelings I've had or things I've felt that I didn't know what to label them as. I also felt very accepted in this community and felt so much love and support.


Before I took Practical Woo, I had trouble trusting my intuition in an intentional way. This meant that I also had trouble using my intuition in a focused way. As a result, the messages that would come through were either things that I would ignore or credit to luck or coincidence. I wanted to trust my intuition and be more focused, so I took this class.

During the course of this class, I learned to listen to my intuition in a more intentional way. Because of this, I was able to trust myself and my perception more. I also have more tools in my toolkit to be able to help the people around me.

I am able to engage with my clairs in a more open way. I've also gained the ability to receive messages from spirit without the amount of fear and distrust that I had before I took this class.


Meet your guide, Rochelle

Hello! I run Brown Bruha and guiding people through their spiritual and psychic development is my jam. I have been talking to ghosts for most of my life and reading tarot since 2015. I started seriously dedicating myself to my spiritual and psychic development after having a scary encounter with my spirit guide in my bathroom. After years of study and practice, I have learned how to manage my gifts. Now, I'm working with the Divine and my ancestors and guides to teach others how to do the same.