An invitation for my serious spiritual baddies only

Let me know if any of this this sounds familiar:

You are scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, liking videos of spells and meditations, saving all the tips from your favorite readers and witches.

Next thing you know, you're hours down the rabbit hole--maybe you even have dozens or hundreds of saved videos and aesthetic quote posts.

Despite all the hours watching other people engage in their spiritual practices, you realize that you don't feel any more connected to your ancestors, deceased loved ones, or the spirits of the land.

All those saved posts? You never come back to them. You wonder if you might be a digital hoarder. In fact, part of you thinks you should detox from the esoteric side of social media because it's not helping you gain any clarity into your relationship with your spirit team.

Orrrr maybe you think no, you need to double down, keep searching, keep digging for the perfect combination of 1-to-3-minute videos to finally tell you how to have a real relationship with the Divine. Maybe the new shiny tool on sale in TikTok Shop is the panacea to your spirit team woes...

Or maybe not 😬

In my experience, social media has not delivered me the consistent connection to Spirit that I seek.

(Pssst *whispers in Filipino* I'm hosting a free workshop next Thursday specifically for spirit-centered women and femmes of color on how to decolonize your spiritual practice and activate a loving relationship with your spirit team with confidence)

Social media is just a platform to share. Some of what is shared is information, some of it is misinformation, and it can be hard to tell what is "right" and "wrong."

Especially because most of it is not tailored to you or your lineage's historical experience of imperialism and disruption of your people's precolonial spiritual practice, and does not take into account the effects that patriarchy has had on our access to spirituality as women and femmes of color.

Spending hours and hours weeding through content from random (mostly White and ickily spiritually bypassing - let's be honest) strangers on the Internet is more likely to leave you feeling disconnected and confused, instead of grounded and supported.

Unfortunately, many of us have been raised to believe that we need someone else to tell us how, when, and where to connect to Spirit--or suffer dire consequences.

When the stakes feel so high, how can you know for yourself what is the right way to activate your relationship with your spiritual support team?

That's the same question I asked myself when my spiritual reactivation coincided with the push I kept feeling to make a big career change. There was no one around me that understood what it meant to leave the law behind to be a full-time witch (lol). I knew I needed to connect more deeply with my spirit team, especially my ancestors, to make the changes I desperately desired.

Nothing I was consuming online was helping me to cultivate a connection with my spirit team that felt authentic and supportive to me. I knew there had to be a better way.

I developed an approach to tuning into my spirit team's support that I actually hadn't seen anywhere on or offline: one that prioritizes ease and meets you where you are at in your level of comfort and ability.

One that actually serves your desire for true, deep spiritual support, to help you own your magic and work it in service of personal transformation and collective liberation—even if you are disconnected from your cultural spiritual practices or don't resonate with the religion you grew up in.

I distilled everything I had learned through teaching myself how to open up to a fulfilling relationship with my spirit team, filtered it through my decolonial feminist values, and poured it all into my Spiritfound Community 🫶🏽

The techniques we practice in Spiritfound can help you cultivate loving, easeful connection with your spirit team in a way that serves your spiritual and material needs without risking Divine retribution or requiring rigid perfection.

And I am teaching the most important ones in my free, live workshop for women and femmes of color, Decolonize Your Spiritual Practice: Activate A Loving, Genuine Relationship with Your Spirit Team with Confidence, this coming Thursday.

This workshop just might help you shift your second-guessing and hesitant self into an intuitive, confident, spiritual baddie who is able to take care of yourself and your community with the loving support of Spirit.

I hope to see you then.


Channeled advice from my first spiritual teacher (my mom) on her birthday


Signs from Spirit can come from anywhere 👀 (story time again)