Channeled advice from my first spiritual teacher (my mom) on her birthday
My mom was my first spiritual teacher.
She taught me how to pray.
She taught me how to set boundaries with the spirit realm. She did her best to spiritually protect me by assigning me 2 sets of godparents and making sure I received every Catholic sacrament on time from baptism to confirmation.
She believed me when I told her that my grandpa visited me in a dream after he died in our house. When I told her I felt that the dragonfly that hung around our driveway was him, she believed then, too.
She hired people to conduct an energetic and paranormal investigation at our house to see if the spirits of the land caused my grandpa's cancer.
She told me about how as a young girl, she would talk to spirits and divine through trapped smoke under a glass bowl.
She taught me energetics. "Always open your suitcase when you get home from a trip. It will help you feel better."
She had the I Ching permanently posted next to her bed for easy access. When I was entering my gemstone obsession era, she took me to a craft fair and got me a custom-made crystal bracelet of jade, tiger's eye, hematite, rose quartz, and red string, which I still wear to this day.
When she was dying from cancer, she told us about the angels she saw flying around her hospital bed.
After she passed away, I learned more about her magic. How a witch told her she was a mangngagas in a past life. And how when my cousins would get sick, my mom would lay her warm hands on them, then tell them to wash their faces. They would instantly be cured.
fantastic shots pearlridge
Anchored in her Catholicism, her healing and intuitive nature, and our surviving native traditions passed through her mother, and her mother's mother, and so on—she unknowingly modeled for me and my sister what it takes to adapt spiritually as a woman in diaspora from a colonized country.
She worked her magic any way she could. She fought to do so until the very end of her time on the physical plane.
She continues to teach me as an ancestor and as one of my most vocal guides on my spirit team (if you are Ilocano, you know that it's not yelling, "that's just how we talk").
Here are the messages she wants me to share with you today.
She comes through very bluntly and loudly and with lots of love for us. Take what resonates, leave the rest.
There's a lot of circumstances at play that keep you down that you cannot control or fix yourself. But you can control yourself. Make sure you are not keeping yourself down.
You keep yourself down by not believing in yourself. By not taking yourself seriously. By forgetting you are here for many purposes, to impact many peoples' lives for the better. By accepting what other people tell you what you need to do at the expense of your own truth. The more you throw aside your intuition, the less you will trust it.
You keep yourself down by thinking you have to work hard and stress. You don't. You will, but you don't have to.
You keep yourself down by putting your dreams and desires on the back burner. By ignoring those nudges you feel deep in your gut, or that gentle squeeze in the middle of your chest. It's not nothing. It's your body and spirit showing you that suppressing your own desires and not walking your purpose is against your nature. You are going against your flow.
You what to know what else is holding you back? Acting like you are doing your life on your own. Like your ancestors don't know you and want to help you. Like you are not part of nature. Like the land does not have a benevolent spirit that wants to nurture your growth. Like the air around you is not charged and waiting to carry your intentions to completion. Like there is not help all around you. You have to open up and call upon this help to survive. If you take it all on yourself, you will get sick. It can hurt you. If you use your inner power and tune in, nature will help you, spirits will help you, God will help you.
This is your life, but you are not living just for you. You have many roles to play. You are part of a bigger plan. And sometimes you think too hard about it. When you feel the flow and the urge to act, to change, to be spontaneous, do it. Let your spirit team take control sometimes. Or just open your ears and listen. You think you know everything, you only know this lifetime. Let us help you. We can help you more than you know. Who cares about being weird. You have responsibilities. You have purposes. And you can fulfill them. Just stop holding yourself back.
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My mom comes through hot. When she is near, she makes me feel like there is electricity coursing through my skin. She makes me feel like I could bend metal with my bare hands. She shows me the world and how I could light it on fire if I wanted to.
I miss her so much. I wish I could share this chapter of my tangible life with her. That we could explore that stage of the parent-child relationship where we are both adults, where we make each other food, go on trips to her favorite plant nursery, and maybe even become friends.
And, I am also thankful to have her as one of my fiercest guides and protectors in spirit, to help guide me as I guide you.
If you desire genuine, deep spiritual support, to help you awaken your innate magic and work it in service of personal transformation and collective liberation—I invite you to my free online workshop for women and femmes of color, Decolonize Your Spiritual Practice: Activate A Loving, Genuine Relationship with Your Spirit Team with Confidence.
We are covering the most common obstacles keeping you from tapping in to the unconditional support from your spirit team that you desire, and how to use techniques we practice in my Spiritfound Community to connect with your benevolent ancestors and guides, even if your cultural spiritual practices are not accessible to you. You can sign up for free here.
Your bruha,