Easy way to feed your ancestors demo + remembering my dad on his birthday

Do you want to start making food offerings to your ancestors but don’t know how? Are you worried that you will do something wrong to upset your ancestors, so you don’t offer anything at all?

It can be a lot simpler than you think. Let me show you!

In this video, I walk you through my personal process of preparing a food offering (cooking, portioning, plating), and preparing my altar for my dad’s birthday.

I also talk a little bit about my dad, grief, and give some tips on communicating with recently deceased loved ones. Enjoy!

My name is Rochelle, I'm a psychic and spiritual development educator and I help you reawaken your innate psychic abilities build your relationship with Spirit without shame or fear. I have been talking to ghosts for most of my life and reading tarot since 2015. I was called to be a professional messenger for Spirit soon after I became a licensed attorney. Since then, my life has been all about connecting people to Spirit and helping others do that for themselves, because clear, loving connection with Spirit is your birthright.

If you want to connect with your deceased loved ones or learn how to do it yourself, book your virtual 1:1 Spirit Session with me here.

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