Spiritual tips to cope with the holidays if you are feeling burnt out

The holidays can be tough. They are for me, at least.

To start, more time away from work, which makes me v uncomfortable #toxiccapricornvibes (only partially joking 🥴).

It's also the time of year that I find myself preparing many more ancestor offerings. It kicks off on November 1, but it really goes into high gear on November 29, my dad's birthday (you can watch me prepare the offerings, from cooking to calling the ancestors to eat, here). But that's not the only time I remember him during this season: his death anniversary is this month.

It was also my Ilocano grandpa's death anniversary on December 5th. And my Japanese grandpa's birthday is coming up on the 26th, just a handful of days after my birthday. On top of that, in my family, we remember and give offerings at every family party to our ancestors.

So yeah, there's a lot of remembering to do this season. And that is just for the dead people; it doesn't even take into account all the social obligations to the living. Or the mourning that seeps out of me randomly, when I think about how my parents and so many other loved ones are no longer here on Earth to share the holiday season with.

I am constantly in and out of the spirit realm during this time--offering, speaking, listening, praying. Meanwhile, I still have clients to support, loved ones to spend time with, bills to pay, gifts to buy and wrap.

I have been doing my best to juggle it all by being more gracious with myself and having much lower expectations of my energetic capacity.

Yes, my loved ones in spirit deserve veneration, but I make sure to check in with myself and prioritize my needs so I can survive the season. For example, it's okay if, on my grandpa's birthday, I have a full day of clients and don't have energy to cook something for my ancestors. I can always offer intention paired with a 1-minute prayer, a candle, a glass of water--or do something more the day after.

It's okay to not feel festive. To decline that invitation to that holiday market or ugly sweater party. To just stay at home and binge watch Wednesday while hugging my cats.

Not because I have something else to do. Just because I don't feel like it and maybe I just want to lay in bed and scroll TikTok until Dora from Headspace tells me I've been scrolling for way too long (iykyk).

And it feels so good to live within my energetic capacity! No burnout, less pain, tension, and stomachaches.

Even though it feels good, for me, it's still tough to remember that it's okay to do that. Sometimes it's hard to fight those productivity and people-pleasing reflexes.

Which brings me to the second thing that has been helping me feel better this season: asking Spirit for help.

Whenever I feel out of control, stressed, or worried, I turn to the Divine. Sometimes I feel stuck and I don't know what I need help with, so I just yell, "Help me, Spirit! I surrender!"

I always feel better after asking for help--often instantly, sometimes the next day. And the more I ask for help, the easier it is to recognize when it comes.

Unashamedly asking for Divine assistance every day, multiple times a day, has been a game changer for me. It has actually helped me to expand my energetic capacity.

The Divine directs me to what I need, whether it be a synchronicitous message, a video game break, a shift in perspective, a snack, or a 20-minute nap.

I even asked Spirit to help me write this post. I started just wanting to let you know that the full moon reading is out. I ended up writing way more, learning a lot, and having a great time along the way #capricornyvibes.

Anyway, if you are struggling with your energetic capacity this season, I highly recommend showing yourself more grace, lowering your energetic expectations of yourself, and asking for help from your higher power(s). It works wonders for me when I remember to do it!

Wishing you ease this full moon,


P.S. I am almost ready to unveil a new mentorship offering (one of the projects I have been rationing my energy for). It's nearly ready for the world... I talk about it a little bit in the full moon reading, so check that out if you are curious in the meantime, but I'll let you know more about it very soon!


New Moon December 2022 Messages for Spiritual & Personal Development


Easy way to feed your ancestors demo + remembering my dad on his birthday