I didn't listen to my own messages and now look what happened 😩

This is not clickbait, unfortunately.

After streaming new moon messages for you and the rest of the Brown Bruha community, I made the mistake of not taking my own advice seriously. Message 5 was suuuuuper on point for me about not taking on more than I can handle. I did the opposite, my body revolted, and gave me the gift of a wheezy cough for my birthday 😭 (it's not COVID thank goodness!!).

I'm not perfect (obviously lol); like lots of early stage small business owners, I tend toward workaholism and denial of self-care. Even though I'm aware of this, and even though it is something I am actively working on every day, it's still so hard for me to rewire my brain and change my tendencies. 

I ask my spirit team every fricken day to help me let go of unnecessary worry and stress. I am incredibly close with them and I still need reminders. I know I'm not the only one struggling with this, which is why I offer these readings. Clearly, we (I) need all the help we can get! 

I hear Spirit's message loud and clear... If I want to keep pushing myself beyond my capacity, I will have to live with the difficult consequences of my decisions 😷 so I'm going to sign off of work after this and just allow myself to rest. No birthday partying, no more drafting emails, just me in a blanket blob on the couch πŸ˜…

Get your new moon message(s), take the advice, don't make the same mistake I did πŸ₯² and let me know which messages were spot-on for you!



Pure Gratitude. 😳πŸ₯ΉπŸ«ΆπŸΌ


New Moon December 2022 Messages for Spiritual & Personal Development