Pure Gratitude. ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

I'm writing to you from my partner's family home in Tucson, Arizona, immersed in a sea of tiny blinking lights and Christmas-themed Snoopys. Sipping on lactose-free hot chocolate. Smelling warm pine emanating from the biggest candle I have ever seen in my life. Listening to a symphony of wet clothes tumbling in the dryer, chunky doggy snores, and Ancient Aliens filtering through my noise-cancelling headphones. Feeling so warm and grateful, and surprised by how warm and grateful I feel!

I'll share a little about why this time of the year is normally really hard for me just for context, and because maybe you'll be able to relate. 

I grew up in a really big extended family, and have lots of fun memories of this time of year--Nochebuena with the Valdez clan, Christmas Day with the Sugawas. Presents, hanging out with my cousins, juicy ham, sometimes even lechon. New Years at Bachan's house eating good luck food and playing cards. 

I also still remember all the horrible holidays experiencing all the things that come with being part of a family dealing with alcoholism and unhealthy codependency--the fear, the anger, the crying, the shame, the pretending like nothing happened the next day.

Therapy, and realizing how *not okay* my holidays were growing up, has gifted me (no pun intended ha) with the awareness of how stressed, sorrowful, and fearful I become around this time of year. For the past several years, those heavy feelings have kind of become my own little sad Santa sack.

So waking up with a heart full of gratitude and lightness--the absence of that sadness and fear--was a huge surprise to me. 

Not feeling like there is something I need to defend myself against or to prepare for. Feeling loved unconditionally. Feeling okay just being me! What!!

I don't even know how long this feeling is going to last, or if it will be the same next year. 

But what I do know is that I have put in a lot of work on myself and my relationship with Spirit to get to this point--specifically, working every day at being open to Spirit and intentionally implementing the Divine's guidance consistently

Embodiment of Spirit's messages can feel impossible, painful, like the hardest things we have ever done. Especially when we are going up against our fears and programming. 

But my friend, you can do it. If I can do it, you definitely can.

You deserve to experience pure gratitude and freedom from fear, worry, and sadness, too. 

And when you are ready, I am here to help!


Last Call for Spirit Mentorship Applications

โ€‹Today is the last day to apply for the Spirit Mentorship. I'll be reviewing applications and notifying mentees through the end of the week, because we officially get started next week ๐Ÿ˜ธ so far, we officially have 7 mentees on board! 

I still have space for around 6 more folks. Please apply only if you are serious about receiving loving, straightforward guidance from your spirit team, strengthening your innate psychic abilities, and growing your relationship with Spirit without fear or doubt.

As a reminder, the Spirit Mentorship is a virtual one-to-one container designed to help you gain confidence in your abilities and build your personal relationship with Spirit so you can live life with more ease and joy, regardless of your experience level. This is not a readings package, therapy, or a course to teach you how to give other people readings.

During our time together you will receive holistic support that meets you exactly where you are at in your spiritual and personal development without judgment. Each session (co-facilitated by Spirit and me) includes a combination of channeled messages and practice sharpening your psychic skills, because your daily struggles at work, home, and everywhere in between are inextricable from your spiritual growth.

At the end of our time together, the goals are for you to be able to reliably tune into Spirit yourself, to have greater faith in your abilities and in the Divine, and to easily implement channeled guidance, with little to no assistance from me ๐Ÿ™Œ

If you are ready to:

๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ Easily distinguish between Divine downloads, your anxious thoughts, and other peopleโ€™s emotions,

๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ Feel relief and confidence because you have confirmation of your path from your guides and concrete next steps in life,

๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ Consistently channel on-point messages from your ancestors with confidence, and

๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ Break harmful patterns in your work and personal life because you are courageous enough to follow the guidance from your spirit team,

โ€‹then I welcome you to apply for 2023!โ€‹

Full Moon Reading & Spirit Homework Livestream January 6

Mark your calendar, I'll be channeling messages and homework for you from Spirit in your personal and spiritual development *next* Friday, January 6 at 5PM Pacific. Bookmark it here, and please say what's up if you join live! 

These livestreams are so fun, but if you can't make it live you can always watch the recording on my YouTube channel, of course.


I will spare you the see-you-next-year jokes and simply say that you are a huge part of why I woke up with so much gratitude today. I am so blessed to be able to support you in your spiritual and personal development for as long as the Divine lets me. 

I appreciate you so much. Thank you for being here, and thank you for being you!


Wishing you a joyous and gratitude-filled New Year,



New Moon January 21, 2023: Psychic READING & Spirit HOMEWORK! Spiritual & Personal Development


I didn't listen to my own messages and now look what happened ๐Ÿ˜ฉ