If you only take away three lessons from me about spirit communication, this is what I hope they are

By now you know that I am not the person for you if you only want to learn spirit communication so you can have a cool, freaky experience.

I am also not here to help you develop your aesthetics or edginess through connection with the “paranormal.”

Nor am I here to convert skeptics.

I am here for folks who already believe in the spirit realm and psychic communication and are ready to seriously nurture a lifelong relationship with their allies in spirit.

However, even the most ardent believers can hold limiting and inaccurate conceptions around how a relationship with Spirit should operate, so I’d like to share with you my three biggest observations about the possibilities of relationship with our allies in spirit.

This is for you if you have been struggling to connect to Spirit, don’t know where to start, or doubt if it is even possible for you to do so.

If you have any questions, let me know - I’m here for you!

1. Unconditional loving support from Spirit is your birthright.

Regardless of what you may have learned about a Higher Power (and by “higher” I don’t mean to imply hierarchy, just a higher perspective), there is a way to relate to the Divine with unconditional love. In a way that is not punitive or co-dependent.

This can be hard for many of us to imagine, but it is true. Even if you have never experienced having a human-to-human relationship rooted in unconditional love.

You don’t need to pay them. You don’t need to do them favors. You don’t need to feel guilt or shame or resentful obligation. They are here for you—no strings attached.

Tapping into spiritual support does not mean that hard things won’t happen to you. It doesn’t mean you won’t experience pain. But you will be supported through it. They will help you. If you ask. If you let them.

2. You possess the inherent ability to access support and guidance from the spirit realm(s).

It doesn’t matter if your great-great-grandmother was a witch doctor or a healer or if they were just a regular ol’ great-great-grandmother.

It doesn’t matter if you have no idea what your spiritual support team looks like, what their names are, etc. You don’t need to know all that in order to access this support.

Yes, some people more easily access it than others. Some people are really open. Some people are really closed.

But regardless of where you are on the psychic ability spectrum, you can learn to better wield and control your abilities to access your personal spiritual support system and receive the guidance, protection, and support you seek.

3. It is possible for you to satisfy your spiritual needs and cultivate an authentic relationship with Spirit,

even if you are disconnected from your culture’s spiritual ways. Even if you don’t practice the religion you grew up in (if any). And, very importantly, it is possible for you to connect to your spiritual support without engaging in appropriation of other cultures or trying on whitewashed trends.

You don’t care for tarot? No problem. Do you hate meditating? That’s not an issue. And don’t worry, you don’t need to use special herbs or crystals to cleanse your energy.

I will expand more on this in the future, but I just really wanted to get this out there. And if you are ready to get started building an authentic relationship with your spiritual support team, I invite you to join Spiritfound.


Storytelling is a powerful offering. Sharing who I come from.


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