Storytelling is a powerful offering. Sharing who I come from.

I share a lot of ideas for simple ancestor food offerings (like these sweet potatomangoMother's Day examples), but you can reconnect with your deceased loved ones even if you are not culinarily-inclined or well-resourced enough to do so.

Maybe it's not as ✨aesthetic✨ as a loaded altar, but it can be just as impactful (if not more impactful) when you honor your loved ones by conjuring up memories of them. It also helps you keep the memories close when you recall them more often. 

My grandpa Guillermo was the first person I ever knew to pass away. His birthday was last week. And instead of cooking or baking, I told stories about him, and I recorded it to share with you on Genuinely Psychic (same podcast, new name... I told you she'd be back!). 

His death was a portal for me and my family, which we moved through with lots of religious and folk Ilocano ritual, especially because he lived in and passed away in our home. Although I cut out and withheld a lot, I do share a bit about my family's grief and death rituals, and my first ever spirit visitation experience in the wake of his death 🥹

You can listen and watch here or by clicking on my tatang's picture below👇🏼but just so you know, I talk about cancer, death, and an incident involving animal blo*d. Skip out on this one if you don't want to hear about these types of things.

Also, I strongly recommend that you do not imitate or engage any of my family's practices without the guidance of someone who knows what they are doing. Honor yourself and your lineage 🙏🏼

I feel very overcome with emotion sharing this with you even now, several days after recording. 

I hope you enjoy learning a little about my grandpa, my family, and the people I come from. And I also hope that you try reconnecting with your deceased loved ones by sharing their stories. If you do, tell me about it 💜

With love,


P.S. Welcome to my new newsletter title and banner. I hope you like it. It's part of my work to show up more authentically, intentionally, and regularly for you.

P.P.S. Listen or watch this episode on Apple PodcastsSpotifyYouTube, or on the episode page.


How to get started connecting with ancestors, guides, and your spirit team as a beginner


If you only take away three lessons from me about spirit communication, this is what I hope they are