Loving reminder before tomorrow's eclipse 🌑

If you have been feeling lost, untethered, ungrounded these past few weeks, you’re not alone.

Eclipse seasons can have us questioning everything. Even issues we thought we had resolved and processed through years ago can come bubbling up to the surface.

They're not always bitter medicine, though. They can also be gifts: big breakthroughs, flashes of insight, and meetings of fate.

For me, it has felt like a bit of both. This season is shining a light on parts of me I have wanted to keep in the dark: issues of worthiness, struggle, accepting help from others. I see through my journal entries over the last year how these themes have been creeping like vines through my subconscious. Divine timing has brought them all to bloom at the same moment.

I have gone back and forth between feeling confident and believing in myself to feeling more unworthy than I have ever felt in my whole life. I know it's me versus me; I know I am fighting my socialization and my trauma, and that when I feel unworthy, it’s not the truth.

I know this not because my therapist or my life coach told me. I know this, I embody this knowing, because I have heard my parents cheering me on. I have felt my ancestors holding me to remind me that I can’t fail. I have seen my other spirit guide watching and waiting; they know that I have to overcome this to get better and be able to help more people.

They all have shown up for me like this in past tough times, and they must have been right those times, because I’m still here. I survived.

I have experienced this for hundreds of my clients, too. I have been moved to tears in so many sessions by the unconditional love being transmitted from your loved ones through me. Even from loved ones you might not even think would look out for you or express themselves in that way.

This love shines brighter, rings truer, and vibrates more fiercely than any doubt, fear, shame, or worry I have tuned into. And it’s always there; it’s always available to you.

I hope you remember this as challenges and opportunities for courage and healing arise in the coming weeks and beyond. You are loved, and you can upon that love to get you through it. I am worthy of it, and so are you.

What areas of your life are being illuminated right now? Where is a spotlight being shone, and how do you feel about it?

If you are ready to confidently and consistently access this love and support from your benevolent ancestors, guides, and deceased loved ones, I invite you to work with me in two ways, depending on how much support you desire.

Spirit Communication Intensives are a new, more affordable one-off session to help you get unstuck in your practice so you can tune in to your intuition with more confidence. In these intensives, we will meet on Zoom for a power hour to identify where you are feeling blocked, how to work through it, and craft a plan for sustainable change in your spirit communication practice. These are not for you if you solely wish to receive channeled messages; they are only for folks looking to improve their spirit communication practice.

These are $175 for one hour, so you save $50 off a regular Spirit Session.

​Get unblocked in a Spirit Communication Intensive

Or, if you are the type of person that thrives with direct, lush support over a longer period of time for more potent transformation, you are invited to apply for Spirit Mentorship. I have 9 spots available at this time.

As a mentee, you will receive holistic support that meets you exactly where you are at in your spiritual and personal development without judgment. This means each session (we meet 2x a month, co-facilitated by Spirit and me) can include a combination of lessons about spirit communication, psychic skills practice, and channeled messages, depending on what you need in the moment—because your personal struggles are inextricable from your spiritual growth.

At the end of our time together, the goals are for you to be able to reliably tune into Spirit yourself, to have greater faith in your abilities and in the Divine, and to easily implement channeled guidance, with little to no assistance from me.

We can work together for either 6 months or 12 months at a time, whichever you prefer. 6 months of mentorship is $2200 and 12 months is $4400. Payment plans and sliding scale options are available as well.

If you apply and are accepted and pay in full by the end of this week, I will send you a special welcome package 🎁 to kickstart your mentorship journey.

If you are not sure if this is the right fit, you can schedule a quick call with me to talk it out here: https://brownbruha.as.me/meeting.

​Transform your relationship with Spirit - apply for mentorship

Either of these can help you banish shame and guilt from your spirituality and start using your gifts with confidence, just depending on how much support you are looking for right now.

I hope you remember in the toughest, darkest moments this season that you have people rooting for you. And it's only a season: that means that it will pass. You have survived worse. You can survive this, too.



My full moon wishes for you 🌝✨


Your spirits always have your back.