Struggling with Spirit Communication?

Try this if you are having difficulty receiving messages from your benevolent ancestors and guides for support. This works whether your preferred method of communication uses divination tools like tarot or not.

Before we get into it, please give yourself some credit. To get to this point, you probably have done a lot of critical thinking and work. It's not common to want to directly connect with your spirit team for help. We are in the minority (especially on Turtle Island where I am writing from, unfortunately).

Maybe you're the only person in your family trying to do this. Most people in our society are afraid to connect with the spirit realm outside of institutional religions, thanks to colonizer propaganda about what is spiritually safe and what isn’t.

A little bit of spirit communication theory beforehand:

Remember that you are inherently psychic. You are a spirit. If you are reading this, you can communicate. Therefore, you are capable of spirit communication.

You have a spirit team. Everyone does. Why would we each have our own spirit team if we were not meant to connect with them?

Now that you have the theoretical foundation, this is what I invite you to try. Instead of engaging in exercises or meditations to enhance your innate psychic abilities right now, try taking a step back and working on resolving any blockages to you accessing your inherent psychic nature.

These blockages can be conscious or subconscious. They have been programmed into us by our lived experiences and socialization. Like maybe you shared your spirit encounters with people you wanted to be accepted by and it freaked them out. Or you grew up in a very superstitious culture that taught you what to be scared of, but not how to protect yourself.

Working through these blockages before you get into psychic development (or at the same time) will make it easier for you to clearly connect with your spiritual support team.

Let me know if you try this. I would love to hear about your experience. ✨✨✨

And if you are ready to take your practice to the next level so you can reawaken your inner psychic and build genuine connection with your spirit team, I invite you to apply for my Spirit Mentorship.

It’s 12 months of 1:1 magic-making with me to help you unlock your innate psychic abilities and access your personal spiritual support in the way you’ve always wanted—free from shame, guilt, or fear, for $4400 (payment plans are available).

I have space for exactly 8 mentees this season for folks ready to finally own and work their magic. If you apply before Monday, I'll gift you an additional complementary 12 sessions--that means you get double the face-to-face support and practice (additional $4400 value).

The magic begins when you are ready. Apply at


To help you through the lunar eclipse 💜


Channeled advice from my first spiritual teacher (my mom) on her birthday