To all my cousins & relatives in mourning from spiritual colonization

whose rituals, deities, and medicines were beaten and shamed out of your ancestors;

who question whether your prayers are being heard, but still whisper them anyway;

who know there is truth beyond the dogma of the religions stoking the capitalist fires burning around the world—

and who, maybe at some points, found comfort in these same religions’ rituals and routines;

who see through the New Age, whitewashed, regurgitation of cherry-picked, half-understandings of ancient knowledge systems:

There is still a genuine, resonant way for you to commune with Spirit, Creator, Divine, Universe, Ancestors, Guides, Higher Self—

a way that does not misappropriate or impersonate;

that does not pedestal abusers or promulgate harmful hierarchies;

that does honor your spirit and lived experience;

that fulfills your deep yearning for support from other realms;

that is centered on unconditional love, not guilt or fear;

that honors your ancestors and your collective loss, and your need to spiritually evolve to survive;

that leaves space and hope for relearning and recovering the old ways;

that holds both individual and collective healing at the forefront;

that is true to who you are right now.

A genuine spirituality that is not a costume, but that is you.

There is another way.


This is pretty much the thesis of my business. I am here to help you find your spiritual home, whatever that may look like.

Whether it is through helping you learn spirit communication, overcome your fears of the spirit realm, or deliver a message for you directly from your ancestors and guides, I'm here for you.

With love,



Undas 2023: The privileges of memory and mourning


It’s been 2 years. Thank you.