It’s been 2 years. Thank you.

There is a lot to celebrate. It's me and my husband's engagement anniversary today. It's my fifth year of being in bruha business, and my 2-year anniversary of doing this full-time. 

Do you know what that means? That means for two years, your trust in me to be an accurate, impartial channeler for you has helped me survive without a paycheck. Yes, there have been many hard and scary months, but as time goes on, they are fewer and further between--all thanks to you. 

I am in the middle of a very long spiritual reawakening (again 🥲) and my big bombucha lesson is that I need to rely on others for help if I want to thrive. If I have ever gotten to read or teach a class or workshop for you, please know that I have loved getting to know you, supporting you through your life journey, and seeing you through the eyes of Spirit. It's one of the best parts of my job: getting to experience how much Spirit loves you, and even becoming friends with so many of you 🥹

I know that sounds mushy, and that's because it is. But also, it's true. Sorry not sorry (no you shut up 😭).

I am very blessed to be able to sustain my needs without sacrificing our connection and that opportunity to perceive the world through the Divine's higher point of view. And even if our only interaction has ever been you following me on social media and reading these newsletters, your support still means everything to me!

Thank you for every appointment, referral, testimony, shared post, and forwarded email. I would not be here without you. I look forward to becoming an even better channeler, teacher, and confidante for you. I hope this ride never ends 🥹

Here is the part about the discount. To celebrate, I'm offering you 20% off (use coupon code BRUHAVERSARY) all 1-hour and 30-minute 1:1 Spirit Sessions all September long 🤍and if you are a first-time client, you'll be able to book a 30-minute session (this month only). 

Click here to directly go to the booking page for a 1-hour reading, or here for a 30-minute reading

Learn to connect to the spirit world with confidence

Last thing. I have not been explicit enough in letting you know that applications for PW Psychic & Spirit Communication Basics 2023 are open now until September 17 - so let me do that now. If:

  • you have tried to contact Spirit, your guides, or your deceased loved ones, but you have no idea if they can hear you or if you are imagining their responses

  • you really want to get good at tarot, but only feel confident giving readings if you also have your favorite tarot meaning website open

  • you spend hours on social media watching pick-a-card readings, wondering how they can be so accurate and wishing you could do that for yourself 

  • you yearn for a relationship with your ancestors, but are afraid to reach out because of fear of something bad happening to you

And you want to:

  • channel messages from the spirit world that resonate so deeply that they give you chicken skin (or goosebumps as they say on the continent)

  • look at a tarot spread and instantly knowing what messages the spirits are sending you through the cards

  • hear from your deceased loved ones and learn for certain whether or not they are okay

  • sleep like a baby because you are confident in the boundaries you have set with the spirit realms

Then you may be interested in joining me for PW 2023. It's my 12-week, live, small-group online course designed to help you safely learn to communicate with your spirit allies so you can connect to the spirit world with confidence and trust in yourself and in the Divine.

This will be my fifth time facilitating this class, which is the culmination of everything I have learned on my spirit communication journey. It is my baby that I want to share with you, because I want everyone (who wants to) to feel confident in their interactions with the spirit realm. Fear and unfounded superstition should not dictate your interactions with Spirit.

I want you to have a strong, loving relationship with your spirit team, because you deserve that support, without having to always pay someone else to connect with your personal guides. 

I think the biggest thing I can say is that I [now] have so much more clarity on spiritual subjects - and more confidence on how to tap into things like energy shielding and using tarot. I was intimidated by tarot before and didn't connect with it. Now I understand it so much better and have been using it a lot more as I feel a strong pull to it. 

Things make a lot more sense now and I have terms to match those feelings I've had or things I've felt that I didn't know what to label them as. 

I also felt very accepted in this community and felt so much love and support.

— M.D.

The class includes:

  • 12 weeks of interactive, live classes online so you can get hands-on experience and support in the comfort of your own home

  • Pre-recorded lessons and materials to review before class to minimize Zoom time (and Zoom fatigue)

  • Small-group instruction (10 students max) so that you can learn and practice in a safe and supportive environment

  • Weekly practices to help you hone your skills in and out of class

  • Subtitles and live transcripts available for anyone who needs them

  • Support in a private Discord for the duration of the class with me and your fellow classmates to ask questions and share resources, successes, and challenges between classes

  • Lifetime access to class recordings (with captions) and materials to watch if you miss a class or want to rewatch a class, even after the course is over

  • Tarot meaning journal template for you to start your personal tarot encyclopedia and liberate yourself from the tiny book that comes in the box

  • 1:1 20-minute Zoom “office hours” style session with me to receive extra assistance on any of the topics discussed in class

All for $888 - and yes, there are payment plans are available if you need one.

Check out the syllabus, learn more, and apply here. We start September 24, and I'm accepting applications on a rolling basis until September 17, or until we reach 10 students. If you feel called, come have fun connecting with Spirit with us 🤗

With deep gratitude,


P.S. So you don't have to scroll all the way up, the code for 20% off is BRUHAVERSARY, and you can get more info about PW 2023 at


To all my cousins & relatives in mourning from spiritual colonization


How to get started connecting with ancestors, guides, and your spirit team as a beginner