How to get started connecting with ancestors, guides, and your spirit team as a beginner

A five-step guide to navigating the mystical realm of spirit communication

It’s simpler than you think.

Step 1: Believe You Can

The first step to getting started with spirit communication is actually believing you can do it. Because of the way that we've been socialized to think about psychic abilities and spirit communication, it’s very easy for us to underestimate our own innate abilities.

However, it's been my experience from working with students and clients that we have greater ability to tune into psychic and spirit communication that we actually think. Along with this ability to communicate comes the ability to protect ourselves when we are engaging with Spirit and working with energy.

Please don't call yourself a baby psychic or baby channeler just because you feel inexperienced in this realm.  If you are reading this, you are not a baby! You are inherently psychic.  You are a spirit in a human body.  Because you are a spirit, you are capable of spirit communication.

Step 2: Be Intentional and Flexible

Step two is setting your intention to who you want to communicate with and who you do not want to communicate with. It's very important when you are getting ready to open up to spirit communication, to set this intention, especially if you are only looking to communicate with your spirit team, or certain benevolent ancestors.

This is not to say that something bad is going to happen to you if you do not set your intention. However, you'll have a lot more success in communicating with the spirits that you actually do want to communicate with if you set your intention properly.

One caveat: sometimes when we're starting out with spirit communication, we want to connect specifically with a certain ancestor or deceased loved one.  But it doesn’t always work out that way, even when we do set our intention.  Spirit communication is just like human-to-human communication or even human-to-animal communication: just because you talk to someone does not mean they are going to answer you in the way that you want (or even at all).  For that reason, it's very important to maintain some flexibility with your expectations of whom you might connect with.

I have my students start their spirit communication journey by being open to any spirits with messages to deliver in service of their greatest and highest good only. If you set your intention this way, you will still receive messages for your wellbeing or whatever it is that you might be asking about. It will also keep out any spirits or energies that are not in service of your greatest and highest good.

Step 3: Know How to Enforce your Intention

The third step is to have a way to enforce that intention. It’s very important for beginners, for your confidence and your peace of mind, to know that you have a way to enforce your intention, even if you might not need it. Let's say you are just sitting around and a spirit comes through that you don't want to interact with or communicate with. You need to have a way to get it out of your space, and ideally, you need to have practiced that method so that you feel confident enough where if something happens, you'll be able to call upon that technique without hesitation.

Otherwise, you might find yourself panicking, or feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the unwanted spirit energy. And spirit communication already takes up a lot of energy, especially when you're just learning.

There are innumerable of different ways of maintaining energetic hygiene and protection. It would be impossible for me to name all the ways you can get a spirit to leave you alone, so this is something that you'll want to practice and kind of experiment with so that you can tailor it to your style and needs.  

Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice (but not too much at one time)

Step four is practicing spirit communication as much as you can within your capacity.   

Practicing is important because you want to make sure that what you're experiencing is actually spirit communication and not something else. Yes, there are certain experiences that folks who engage in psychic and spirit communication may commonly share, but because everybody perceives psychic and spirit communication differently, it's important for you to get familiar with your own unique experience of spirit communication, and that you're able to identify and replicate it over time.

However, you don’t want to overdo it. Spirit communication can be very draining, especially when you're a beginner.  I would say maybe channeling twice a week for 10 minutes at a time is a reasonable pace for a beginner, but even that might be a bit exhausting, depending on your own energy levels.  Just take it slow.  You have your whole life to develop your relationship with the spirit realm, so it doesn't have to be rushed!

Step 5: Get Scientific with It

This step is going to help you to refine your practice and become more accurate and confident in your abilities: getting scientific with your spirit communication practice.

In this step, you want to have some kind of aggregation of the observations of all your experiences interacting with the spirit realm—channeling, clearing energy, dealing with unwanted spirit energy, etc.—so that you can identify patterns in what is effective, what is not effective, and what certain sensations might mean for you. 

The goal of this is for you to be able to trust your experiences over what anybody else might be telling you on the internet, in a class, or in a book about what a certain sensation or experience might mean, because in practice, everybody experiences it differently. We all have different abilities and life experiences, so we all perceive and interpret spirit energy in different ways.

Once you have enough data about observations that are consistent throughout these different experiences, you can formulate a hypothesis and test it. If you have somebody that you can partner up with to test your findings would be even better!

Some common things that you will want to rule out of your spirit communication experiences are bias, ego, health-related phenomena, like eye floaties, hallucinations, things like that.

In conclusion

It’s impossible to cover everything you need to know about spirit communication in one post, but I tried my best. I have so much to share about spirit communication and had a hard time knowing where to stop.

But if you want more, I created a whole class around psychic and spirit communication for beginners and it’s starting September 24, 2023!

PW Psychic & Spirit Communication Basics is for you if are ready to deepen your relationship with Spirit and overcome your fears of the spirit realm so you can navigate life with more confidence and clarity, I welcome you to apply. I have 10 spots available and applications close on September 17, or whenever all spots are filled. Learn more and apply here.


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